What initial onboarding and then ongoing looks like?
Majestic continues its partnership with clients after the initial transformation phase is complete because best practice isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. We measure and test, continuously, to ensure that the solutions being utilised by your organisation are fit for your purpose and that you continue to reach your full potential.
When our clients embark on a pathway to best practice, they can’t always articulate what they need or want, because they either don’t know what they want, or they think they do, but early into our journey together, they realise otherwise. To do the best for our clients, we often look beyond the initially stated needs and discover what is truly required.
Once we start working with a new client, there is generally a significant body of work that happens right at the beginning, and it happens for a number of reasons. It happens because they need to learn more about how we operate, and we need to learn more about how they operate. We engage an initial assessment process, during which we often identify a set of gaps or activities that need to be corrected or adjusted in order to bring the organisation to a baseline that will enable us to support them effectively. And so, we proritise those various projects at the outset.
Then at some point we get to a stage that we are comfortable that we can support the organisation’s business as usual, effectively. That doesn’t mean we’ve done all the projects that we intend to do, but rather that we’ve done enough in order to get to the point that we can start operating as we would ordinarily. That’s also where the real opportunities for improvement start. We look at their operational maturity and determine where we can create improvements. We also interact and engage with our clients in a manner that enables us to test and question and gain an understanding as to how what we’re doing is affecting and impacting them.
We look to identity repeating patterns in issues. Because we’re seeing patterns forming, that means that there may be a need to make changes to, or an investment in, a particular area – be it new technology, additional resources, or additional education. Whatever the case may be, by us continuously engaging and having these conversations with our clients we’re able to constantly improve on where we were at last month, last quarter, or last year.
A report from Cloudradar estimates that 1 hour of downtime often costs a business far more than you’d think. Regardless of how well configured and well maintained your infrastructure is, sooner or later something goes wrong. When it does, having a team like Majestic supporting your organisation results in quicker diagnosis, quicker resolution, and significant loss mitigation.