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Extract From PHH Annual Report 2019-2020

Peninsular Home Hospice Logo

This extract from Peninsula Home Hospice Annual Report 2019-2020 has been reproduced with the permission of Rachel Bovenizer, CEO.


I.T. Report 2019-2020

At the beginning of 2019, we created our I.T Strategic Plan that helped us to develop a vision for the ways in which technology could support the team to deliver better care by improving communication and increasing the mobility of our workforce. We also identified a number of high priority I.T infrastructure issues relating to security, business continuity/disaster recovery, and monitoring and support. We contracted Majestic Computer Technology to assist us with implementing our plan through the provision of I.T strategic advice and specialist technical support.

With Majestic’s assistance, we have:

  • Moved our essential systems to the Cloud, including implementation of collaboration tool Microsoft Office 365, as well as document management and sites using SharePoint.

  • Equipped the team with secure, remotely monitored laptop computers

  • Replaced aging network infrastructure and increased our network capacity

  • Implemented a number of security measures against cyber intrusion

Fortunately, the bulk of this work was well in train when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, enabling us to leverage our new technology to work seamlessly from home and on the road and communicate with our clients and each other through video conferencing as needed. Majestic’s I.T Helpdesk support has kept us working regardless of our location and helped the team to cope with the many changes the pandemic has brought.

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