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At Majestic, we perform windows critical and security patching on every server and workstation that are under MAjestic Service Level Agreement (SLA) during each maintenance cycle. Microsoft releases security patches for windows operating systems every month which are popularly known as “Patch Tuesday”. These updates patch security vulnerabilities that could allow a system to become compromised. Security updates are classified as critical, important and moderate.

Critical security patches are perhaps the most important updates to apply to your system. Ignoring these could leave your computer or server extremely vulnerable to hackers and malicious code.

  • Critical patches prevent problems. Not only do they fix known bugs in the operating system, but they also plug the critical security holes that could drastically affect your security
  • Potential causes of not installing critical updates are damaged software, loss of data or even identity theft.
  • Every year malware causes damage of millions of dollars worldwide with the main reason attributed to uninstalled critical security patches
  • Another main advantage of installing critical patches sometimes comes with new features while fixing known issues.
  • Consistent patching and maintenance services leads to higher level of security and compliance.
Majestic Computer Technology’s Service Level Agreement includes all the above work, giving you a sense of security and ensure that you are in safe hands.
If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact Majestic Computer Technology at any time. We are here to help.

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