Majestic CEO Tal Evans discusses the pros and cons of an organisation having an internal IT support team.
Small and medium healthcare providers, whether they are for profit or NFP, reach a point in their growth and development as an organisation where they realise that a small, internal IT team is perhaps not delivering the outcomes that they desire. And so, they explore their options. When they do so, they’ll typically engage a managed services provider like Majestic to meet their IT requirements.
There are many operational advantages to that decision, but one disadvantage is that they are required to spend time onboarding that external supplier, making them familiar with the organisation’s requirements.
That’s why it’s so important to partner with an organisation that already has a significant amount of expertise in your organisation’s industry. The advantage of working with an external IT services provider is that they can sustain a larger investment in the knowledge required to support various technologies than a Health Care Organisation typically can.
Their exposure to multiple organisations in the same, or similar industries also provides a knowledge resource that they can extrapolate to create strategies for your organisation. By utilising the skills of a large number of people, the collective together bring about an outcome for an organisation that arguably is far better than the organisation could deliver for itself.
Azim Premji’s quote highlights the importance of selecting a managed services provider who not only serves your immediate needs, but also your strategic ones.