Management Application for Investigator Sites
Welcome to MAISi (Management App for Investigator Sites), the fully-featured CTMS (Clinical Trials Management System)!
Until now, the options available for managing clinical trials at an investigator site were either keeping multiple shared spreadsheets or buying expensive software unsuited to Australian conditions. MAISi is the game-changer. Beginning as a repository for clinical trials data at a major hospital in 2001, MAISi has evolved into a sophisticated workflow application to assist in most aspects of a research unit’s operations.
MAISi acts as a central repository of data to store information about studies and the business unitsthat run them. The datasets are arranged to support management decision making. Staff in each business unit haveaccess to the data (Studies, Patients, Investigators, Study Team Members) associated withtheir own business unit, whereas staff granted global access (normally Financial Officers and System Administrators) have access to all data.
MAISi is ideal for tracking the progress of a study through the start-up phases. In particular, by using the built-in Workflow Engine,the software guides the user through Feasibility, Ethics Submission and Approval. Using MAISi, the once complicated process ofrecording hundreds of patient visits for study subjects and the thousands of assessment procedures associated with those visits, is made simple by the stepped approach employed by MAISi.
MAISi promotes the prudent financial management of clinical trials by addressing both the cost and revenue sides of the equation. Firstly, MAISi provides a Catalogue of Investigative Procedures that are linked to the Third-PartyProviders responsible for them. Each investigative procedure is costed three ways and this data iscarried forward into a model of the protocol (Patient Visit Templates) from which a budget can be produced.Various screens and reports allow the userto monitor and correct invoices from Third-Party Providers, monitor ongoing costs of a study, monitor ongoing income for a study and compare the costs and income for a study at a patient visit level. MAISi supports the generation of three types of invoices and Patient Reimbursements.
MAISi provides considerable support for study team members including the provision of a Patient Visit Checklist and various Patient Letters and letters to the patient’s G.P.
MAISi includes integrated, fully customizable document storage and retrieval system,specifically tailored for investigator sites.
Finding an individual record is simple, powered by our“Quickly Find” feature. Every field is searchable(supporting ad hoc reporting), and the results can be quickly exported to a spreadsheet.